
Manasa Kalanadhabhatta

Ph.D. Candidate, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

I am an M.S./Ph.D. student in the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst advised by Profs. Deepak Ganesan and Tauhidur Rahman. My research lies at the intersection of ubiquitous sensing, machine learning, and human computer interaction for applications in health and wellbeing.

I use behavioral and neurophysiological signals from mobile and wearable devices to develop novel multimodal methods for sensing mental health and cognitive wellbeing. My dissertation research focuses on the human-centered development and evaluation of scalable mental health screening tools for young children. I collaborate closely with Prof. Adam Grabell and the SEED Lab in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences on this work. In the past, my work has investigated multimodal approaches for predicting PTSD, modeling mental fatigue, and understanding cognitive performance rhythms among diverse populations.

I have also spent time as a research intern at Meta Reality Labs working on large-scale machine learning for neuromotor interfaces and at Nokia Bell Labs exploring multimodal, multi-device sensing of mental fatigue using wearables. Previously, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Shiv Nadar University and completed my undergraduate thesis interning with Prof. Archan Misra at Singapore Management University.


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May 2024 I’m attending CHI 2024 in Hawaii! Tune in to the Mental Health A session on May 13 to hear me talk about our work on stakeholder perspectives toward pediatric behavioral screening tools.
Mar 2024 I’ll present my work on neurophysiology-aware mental health screening tools as part of the Invited Speaker Series organized by IEEE Computer Society San Diego Chapter.
Jan 2024 Our paper on stakeholder perspectives toward mental health screening tools for young children has been accepted to CHI 2024! Check out the preprint here.
Oct 2023 I’m honored to receive the UbiComp Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award in recognition of my research contributions and leadership in the field of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing.
Aug 2023 Our paper on detecting PTSD symptom severity from neural and physiological signals has been accepted to ACII 2023.
May 2023 I defended my Ph.D. thesis proposal and will be returning to Meta Reality Labs as a research intern this summer!
Apr 2023 Honored to receive a Dissertation Award from the UMass Amherst Center for Research on Families! Read more about my work here.
Feb 2023 I’m a Publicity and Social Media co-chair for ACM UbiComp/ISWC 2023 – join us in Cancún in October 2023.
Sep 2022 New paper on Extracting Multimodal Embeddings via Supervised Contrastive Learning for Psychological Screening accepted to ACII 2022 – check out the preprint!
Jul 2022 Our paper on EarlyScreen, a system for early childhood psychopathology screening, is now published at IMWUT! Read a short summary or watch the teaser video here.
Apr 2022 This summer, I’m interning with the CTRL team at Meta Reality Labs in New York City working on neural interfaces for AR/VR.
Nov 2021 My internship work with Nokia Bell Labs on multimodal, multi-device sensing of mental fatigue has been accepted to PervasiveHealth 2021! Check it out here or explore our publicly available dataset.
Jun 2021 Excited to be spending the summer as a Research Intern at Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, UK!
May 2021 Passed my portfolio – officially a Ph.D. candidate now!
Mar 2021 I’ve been accepted to the 2021 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women and will present my work on April 23-24.
Feb 2021 We’re organizing the inaugural Voices of Data Science Conference at UMass Amherst! Join us virtually on February 19 and 20 to hear from our illustrious speaker lineup.
Jan 2021 Our paper on the effect of sleep and activity measures on cognitive performance has been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research!
Jan 2020 I’ll be returning as the TA for CS328 (Mobile Health Sensing and Analytics) this Spring.
Oct 2019 I’ll be attending the Grace Hopper Celebration from 2-4 October in Orlando, FL! I’m also volunteering as a Hopper. Say hi if you’re around!
Jul 2019 Honored to be awarded the Lori A. Clarke Scholarship from CICS, UMass Amherst.
Jun 2019 I’m helping run the UMass Turing Summer Program for high-school students – follow us on Twitter!
Sep 2018 This Fall, I will be a Teaching Assistant for CS328: Mobile Health Sensing and Analytics, taught by Prof. Deepak Ganesan.
Aug 2018 Starting my M.S./Ph.D. program this September at the College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst!